Who can submit an Innovation?

All employees of Allianz Partners are encouraged to participate in this event! Regardless of your region or department, everyone is welcome. 

Your Innovation must have been implemented and put into production in 2018. This means that your Innovation is actively used by real customers or end-users. Concepts, ideas or ongoing projects will not be considered - keep up the good work and be ready to submit them next year.

Your Innovation needs to fit into 1 of 3 categories:


Product comprises new service offerings and insurance products that meet B or C customer needs.


Process is about the different steps and procedures we use to deliver an existing product or service. IT developments (website, apps, etc.) would be included here as well as any improved internal processes.

Organizational encompasses how we work together as a team within Allianz Partners: fresh techniques, new workplace relations, changes in ways of working, all these would qualify as organizational innovations.



and selection

From March 21 to April 5, the top three Innovations in each of the three categories will be identified.

Announcement of the winning Innovations

Get started!

submission period

From Feb 27, identify your Innovation, register & start creating your Innovation page.

Create, update and submit your Innovation page from
Feb 27 to April 5.

Winning teams will be recognized at an Allianz Partners’ global event and enjoy a dinner and team-building event. 

How to submit your Innovation


From this website, click on the button “Submit your Innovation” and be directed to the BeMyApp Innovation submission platform.

Create your Innovation page

Create your BeMyApp account

once logged into the platform, click on the link “Submit your Innovation”, then “Add your Innovation” and start entering information about your Innovation. Be sure to upload the Innovation description document.

click on the link ‘Sign-in / Sign-up’ to create a profile on the BeMyApp innovation submission platform.

Submit your Innovation

Watch the first webinar

your submission must be completed by April 5th!

click on the Webinar tab to watch a video on the submission process.

What should I submit?

Please prepare a document telling us about your Innovation. No need for an impressive PowerPoint, just please be sure to include the following information. Upload your presentation in your Innovation page on the BeMyApp platform. 

Part 1: Basic Information about your Innovation

  • Innovation name.
  • Give a succinct overview of the Innovation and its impact on the intended user. The overview should be able to be used as a short entry to explain the Innovation holistically in a publication. (50-word maximum).
  • List all individuals involved in the development or implementation of this Innovation. Please be sure to indicate their country, team, BU and company.

Part 2: Innovation Details

  • Describe the customer or user need that inspired the Innovation.
  • Describe the context in which the Innovation has been implemented.
  • Describe the impact of your Innovation on Allianz Partners' business.
    (This does not need to be only a financial impact)
  • Describe the process used to create your Innovation.
    (Did you brainstorm with colleagues? Did you use Agile with input from end-users? etc.)
  • In your view, in what way was this activity innovative?
  • How is this Innovation adaptable to other contexts, users, BUs, etc. within Allianz Partner or within the Allianz Group?
  • Specify the Innovation go-live date.
  • Provide URL, pictures, images, or visual elements which you may have.

Judging Criteria





Business impact: What was the impact of your Innovation on the Allianz Partners business?  This impact may be financial, however, depending on the Innovation, other factors will be considered: efficiency, improved working conditions, better customer engagement, etc. are all valuable outcomes of any Innovation.

Originality: Was this a completely new idea, or was it inspired by our competition? However, consider that some Innovations do not require totally new ideas, but may be existing ideas used in a new way.

Customer Centricity: How did this Innovation help our end user/customer? Did it address a clearly stated need? Or did it address a latent need, a need that we observed but was not openly expressed?
Your Innovation's user/customer may be an internal customer, depending on the type of Innovation.

  • All criteria have the same level of importance, each one making up 33% of the Total Innovation Score.

  • Judges will provide a point value from 1 to 5, with 5 indicating a high-level of the criteria.

  • Judges points values on each criteria will be totaled together and then averaged.

  • Average values will then be added together to give the submission an Innovation score, the Innovation with the highest score in each category will be our 1st place winner.

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Feel free to reach out to Su, the project manager, at su@bemyapp.com for any questions!